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Power Your Organization’s Potential With Mental Fitness

The PQ® Program systematically builds the pillars of mental fitness to create sustained improvements in performance, engagement, wellbeing, and relationships, while establishing a growth mindset across your organization.

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Select the Experience That Fits Your Needs

For Individuals

Explore the self-facilitated PQ Program to boost your mental fitness for personal and professional growth


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For Teams

Lead your team through our flagship mental fitness program with exclusive pricing for teams of 3 to 25 people


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For Organizations

Interested in a coach-led mental fitness program or workshop for your organization? Schedule a call to explore customizable options.


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Measurable Progress for Individuals and Teams

The PQ Program helps individuals and teams grow to reach their true potential. Participants can track their individual progress and set goals along the way with the easy-to-use Positive Intelligence Quotient (PQ) Score Assessment

The Muscle Score Report and the PQ Survey Report track your organization’s collective progress throughout the PQ Program.

Positive Intelligence Boosts Performance and Wellbeing Among Participants*

*Based on survey results from cohort of >2000 Positive Intelligence Program participants after six weeks of mental fitness training



experience EQ growth



are better at teamwork and collaboration



manage stress better



use mental and emotional energy more effectively



increase happiness



are better at conflict management

Build & Support High-Performing Teams

The PQ Program not only strengthens individual performance but also improves productivity across an organization. Teams learn to reduce conflict, friction, and stress to deliver positive results that grow the bottom line and improve the team’s overall wellbeing.

PQ Elevates Your Organization’s EQ

The relative strength of your positive mental muscles versus your negative mental muscles is called PQ (Positivity Quotient). Raising PQ automatically develops 17 of the 18 emotional intelligence (EQ) competencies.

On average, teams see significant improvements in core emotional intelligence competencies in just six weeks.


Relationship Management

  • conflict management
  • inspirational leadership
  • change catalyst
  • teamwork & collaboration
  • developing others
  • influence


  • accurate self-assessment
  • self-confidence
  • emotional self-awareness


  • initiative
  • transparency
  • adaptability
  • optimism
  • achievement
  • emotional self-control

Social Awareness

  • service orientation
  • empathy

PQ-Powered Industry: Revolutionize Your Teams Performance

PQ-Powered Business

Unlock stress-free peak performance for your small to medium-sized business.

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PQ-Powered Sales

Develop critical EQ competencies for better individual and team sales performance.

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PQ-Powered Healthcare

Reduce burnout, combat attrition, and protect your healthcare team’s wellbeing.

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Case Studies

Learn how Positive Intelligence partners with organizations to launch successful mental fitness programs.


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E-Books & Guides

Explore how to unite employees in a culture of wellness at work to beat burnout and increase performance.


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White Papers

Discover what makes DEIA successful, dive into the neuroscience of positivity, and more.


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Keynotes & Workshops

Schedule an interactive mental fitness session or a keynote address for your team or organization.


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How Positive Intelligence Works

A high-performing team starts with a solid foundation of mental fitness. To build and sustain a growth mindset for success, your team must develop neural pathways that can only be established and maintained through mental fitness training. That’s what the PQ Program is designed to do.


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The PQ Program is currently being used by hundreds of teams across leading global organizations.
Procter & Gamble
Stanford University
Eli Lilly
DBS Bank

Explore the Program

If you’re interested in the Positive Intelligence Program for a team or organization, let’s connect.

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