Unlock Stress-Free Peak Performance

Scientifically Proven Growth Program
for Leaders and Teams

From changes in management and market forces to a lack of communication and growth, all businesses run into real problems. The question is, can you afford to do nothing? Positive Intelligence’s groundbreaking PQ Program® is scientifically proven to supercharge the success of leaders, teams, and organizations of all sizes.

Get PQ for Your Team
PQ-Powered Teams

Discover What’s New in the All-New PQ Program

Self-Paced Program

New simplified tracking features let you build mental fitness at a pace that fits your busy schedule.

Just Minutes Per Day

New Daily Focus audio sessions (3 – 4 minutes each) keep you on track throughout the day.

See Your Results Sooner

Access to Sage Steps from day one, helping you intercept Saboteurs and build positive habits immediately.

Upgraded App Experience

  • New interface for effortless navigation
  • New metrics to track your progress
  • New interactive video content

Stop Losing Money on Stress

Mental fitness helps teams navigate change, reducing turnover and saving your organization significant costs.

Disengaged employees cost the global economy $7.8 trillion annually, but organizations that invest in PQ see increased productivity. Empower your workforce to move forward.

Employee Disengagement and Turnover Cost

Level and salary Disengagement cost Cost to replace
Entry $50,000 $17,000 $25,000
Mid $75,000 $25,500 $112,500
High $100,000 $34,000 $400,000
Get PQ for Your Team

The ROI of PQ

Based on survey results from a cohort of >2000 program participants after seven weeks of mental fitness training.



experience emotional intelligence growth



are better at teamwork and collaboration



manage their stress better



use mental and emotional energy more effectively



increased their happiness



are better at conflict management

As Featured In
New York Times
Fast Company
Wall Street Journal

Seven-Week Foundational Program

Strengthen your team’s mental fitness to shift the balance of power from their inner Saboteurs (their negative self) to their inner Sage (their positive self).

Get PQ for Your Team
  • Week 1

    Self-Command and PQ Reps

    Establish a PQ Rep routine that energizes your Sage brain and shifts you from the autopilot mind to Self-Command.

  • Week 2


    Experience the negative impact of the Judge through a visualization or contemplation and develop a practice of catching your Judge and celebrating.

  • Week 3

    Accomplice Saboteurs

    Explore your top two Saboteurs (or more) and develop a practice of catching your Saboteurs, celebrating, and taking a Saboteur-specific counterstep.

  • Week 4


    Experience the Empathize Power through a visualization or contemplation using your unique access point to the power.

  • Week 5

    Sage Perspective, Explore, Innovate

    Learn how to accept and convert any situation into a gift and opportunity using the Sage Perspective, Explore, and Innovate.

  • Week 6


    Learn how to embody the Activate Power to bring ease and flow to your actions.

  • Week 7

    Navigate and Applications

    Access the wisdom of the Navigate Power through a contemplation that reveals what’s truly important to you and how an ongoing PQ practice can support you.

Build Powerful Habits With Mental Fitness Training

Most attempts at positive change fail because people often stop at insight and don’t build life-changing habits that give a long-term return on investment.

Sustained success requires dismantling bad habits and creating new powerful ones reinforced through daily practice — this is what the PQ Program empowers teams to do.


You’d be committing to completing a 1-hour interactive video module each week and a 3 to 4-minute Daily Focus audio session every morning.

This might sound like a lot of time. In fact, cumulatively, it constitutes less than 2% of your awake time for the duration of the program. Please consider that your Saboteurs are costing you far more than 2% of your time, effort, energy, and productivity. Consider how much more than 2% of time and productivity this investment will save for years to come.

Team leaders often call the PQ Program the best team-building experience they have ever had. Going through this program together significantly deepens trust, helps clear the air related to recurrent team member conflicts since they’re mostly generated by Saboteurs, and gives the entire team a common framework for helping each other grow, making decisions, responding to setbacks, and managing conflicting styles and agendas.

The PQ Program is $995.

Here’s what’s included in your purchase:

  • Seven weeks of app-guided practice, including Daily Focus & Recharge audio sessions
  • Unlimited access to the PQ app for a full year
  • Audiobook version of Positive Intelligence, read by the author, Shirzad Chamine
  • Access to the PQ online community

Note: Groups of 25 or more are also eligible for a group discount.

Yes, we offer discounts on the PQ Program to any group of 25 or larger. If you would like to purchase the program for your team, your employees, or any group of 25 people and above, please schedule a quick meeting to learn more and get started.

Note: Groups of 25 or more get an on-site certified coach and custom workshop to assist with onboarding.

Teams with 25 or more participants will have their own certified coach on-site to assist with onboarding. This includes a custom workshop designed to give your entire team the tools and information they need to be successful on day one of the program. Please schedule a quick meeting to learn more and get started.

Note: Groups of 25 or more are also eligible for a group discount.

If you have a question that’s not answered here, please search our Support Site or use the Chat feature for additional support.