A self-facilitated program to boost your mental fitness for personal and professional growth
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A self-facilitated program to boost your mental fitness for personal and professional growth
A self-facilitated mental fitness program with exclusive pricing for 2 to 25 individuals
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Growth Mindset
Cultivating and maintaining a positive company culture gives your organization a strategic advantage. Research shows that organizations that prioritize and nurture a positive workplace culture see increases in productivity, performance, and profits. Companies with positive cultures report a 4x increase in revenue growth and cumulative returns of up to 495%.
Company culture is represented by a shared understanding of how employees interact with one another and with customers. Leaders introduce their values to the company, and as they become deeply ingrained principles, these values guide the company’s actions and serve as the cultural cornerstones.
The most common company values are integrity, honesty, accountability, trust, and respect. To promote awareness and adoption, leaders often add visual and written reminders of the company values to office decor, corporate publications, websites, and social media.
Employees seeking a positive company culture tend to look for workplaces that are fun, challenging, engaging, rewarding, collaborative, and flexible, with high employee engagement. By contrast, employees will avoid organizations with high levels of burnout and negative cultures that can be described as toxic, distrustful, stressful, tense, and micromanaged.
Oftentimes, employees assume company values are set by top management, and employees are expected to accept and implement them at work. However, creating a value-centered culture at work takes time and experience. Culture grows through repeatedly putting values into action. As managers and team leaders build positive employee experiences with the company values, the company culture emerges. Employees then share and extend this culture among colleagues and customers.
Leaders influence values-based culture adoption through their leadership style. The two most common leadership styles are authoritative and influential. Authoritative leaders communicate their message and expect employees to follow it to keep their jobs. Influential leaders, by contrast, lead by example, inspiring their teams to adopt and embody the company’s values.
Leaders who can paint a picture of the impact their shared values will have on individual work, company environment, and customers inspire teams into action. Building a positive culture improves the quality of the product or service, team interactions, and individual growth.
Influential leaders live and demonstrate the company values daily, especially in their interactions with employees and customers. Great leaders exemplify company values through two important leadership character traits.
Great leaders are willing to show up as they are. By admitting their mistakes to their team, they demonstrate their humanity and earn the trust of their team. Earned trust is a cornerstone of productivity and performance.
If a company values honesty, integrity, and accountability, it will ensure a safe environment for admitting mistakes. Leaders who fully model cultural values and willingly communicate mistakes create a safe space for employees to admit their mistakes, too.
Leaders who demonstrate vulnerability may seem weak; however, Brene Brown’s research on shame, vulnerability, and leadership shows the opposite is true. “Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it’s our greatest measure of courage,” says Brown.
Leadership that inspires teams to action builds a culture of trust and accountability in relationships. Vulnerability is the currency of relationships. When the leader makes a mistake and admits to it, they earn trust and respect and communicate a culture of safety.
Leaders have a significant impact when they actively participate with staff in and out of meetings to communicate and build culture. Each interaction is an opportunity to reinforce company values and to show appreciation for employees as human beings. Creating a safe and trusting workplace is essential to establishing a positive culture.
Trusted leaders demonstrate that their office is a safe place to share personal perspectives and to encourage diversity and individual thought. When leaders invest in personal and team growth, they are laying a foundation for exceptional performance and productivity.
Frequent, clear communication increases an employee’s sense of value. Use internal communication strategies to encourage and support direct contact.
– Bridge the gap between leaders and workers. (Use direct internal channels to keep the lines of communication open.)
– Increase mutual understanding personally and professionally. (Try setting up scheduled meetings specifically designed to improve engagement.)
– Provide clarity about individual roles, responsibilities, and challenges. (Encourage teams to collaborate and celebrate mutual wins, too.)
Team training and development demonstrates an organizational commitment to the value of individual beliefs and experiences within the team. Team training can uncover personal worldviews, unconscious biases, and attitudes that may sabotage productivity. Investing in team growth sets the stage for cultivating a shared identity aligned with individual worldviews and builds mutual understanding. Over time, individuals desire and invest in success for themselves, their teammates, and the organization — also known as Triple Purpose.
Maximal team performance relies on individual and mutual success. Triple Purpose, the inspiration to grow in meaningful and lasting ways for themselves and their teammates, enables team members to impact the lives of others, including customers, positively.
The best company cultures engage leaders and employees with high levels of emotional intelligence. These individuals are self-aware, self-managed, and socially aware, and they build positive relationships across an organization. A program of mental fitness training can strengthen leaders’ and employees’ emotional intelligence competencies, helping to improve engagement, well-being, relationships, and performance.
Mental fitness training builds employees’ ability to quickly shift negative emotions to positive ones in challenging circumstances. The Positive Intelligence® platform uses a three-step approach to help individuals and teams build new neural pathways to positivity and a growth mindset.
1. Individuals learn to name their negative thought patterns, or Saboteurs, that sabotage their performance, relationships, and wellness.
2. Participants develop Self-Command to shift from a negative mindset to a positive one when negative thought patterns emerge.
3. Individuals learn to tap into the positive regions of their brains to respond to life’s daily challenges with resilience, clarity, and focus.
The PQ Program represents a breakthrough in raising emotional intelligence (EQ) across an organization. Research shows that in just seven weeks of mental fitness practice, positive neural pathways grow, negative ones diminish, and participants elevate competencies in 17 of the 18 EQ categories. Among team members who incorporate mental fitness practices into their workplace culture, 92% are more collaborative, 84% are better at managing conflict, 91% are better at managing stress, and 85% are happier.
A company’s continued commitment to building a positive workplace culture pays dividends for individuals and teams. With an organizational habit of mental fitness training:
– Team performance rises
– Employee engagement improves
– Mutual trust and accountability grow
When organizations invest in nurturing a positive culture, the false idea that stress is an effective motivator and competitive advantage gives way to the reality that culture at work can be both productive and positive.