Scale Your Coaching Business with PQ WealthBuilder

PQ WealthBuilder is Positive Intelligence’s mastery-level business growth program designed, facilitated, and run by Bill Carmody, exclusively for high-earning coaches who want greater impact and financial success.

You’ve received this special link because you’ve received permission from Bill Carmody to join the upcoming PQ WealthBuilder program. If that’s not the case, please inform

In this program, you’ll:

  • Adopt the daily habits necessary to generate at least $10,000 of coaching revenue within 90 days
  • Overcome any resistance to financial abundance
  • See a direct correlation between your consistent actions and your financial success

PQ WealthBuilder begins on July 15th, 2024.

Enroll Now

Secure your Spot Now!

PQ WealthBuilder begins the week of July 15, 2024.

The cost for PQ WealthBuilder is 3 monthly payments of $2,500 for a total of $7,500.

Enroll Now

Enrollment Ends



Program Begins



Why PQ WealthBuilder?

When was the last time you truly invested in yourself?

As coaches, we often focus more on helping others than ourselves. Yet my forty years experience in building businesses has shown me that investing in myself financially has a higher ROI than any other investment I’ve made in people, startups, or the stock markets.

And what about your time?

What percentage of your day (or week) is set aside to work on the business end of your coaching business? Would it benefit from the deep, focussed investment of time? I think it would, and I think you should invest more in yourself than your Saboteur voices likely think is possible right now.

Before I proceed, I want you to invoke your Navigate power and invite your Sage to answer this question.

Are you clear on what you truly want? Today, and in the foreseeable future?

In other words, when you look back at the end of your life, do you know what is truly important for you as an incredible coach?

I am.

I’m clear that the purpose of my life is to eradicate scarcity and help you recognize your infinite abundance.

Recognize Your Infinite Abundance

I’ve asked hundreds of coaches what’s standing in the way of them having the coaching business they deserve. If you’re anything like them, you’ll recognize the answers.

“I don’t have enough clients”

“I can’t afford to invest in my business”

“With all the things to do, there’s never enough time”

And the worst of all…

“I can’t seem to get out of my own way!”

What’s the linking factor here? It’s scarcity thinking. The idea that there’s not enough, or if you only had a little more time/money/help, things would be different.

Well, it can be different. But it required you to do different.

If you’re ready to eliminate scarcity and tap into your infinite abundance, I’m ready to help. And I invite you to learn more about PQ WealthBuilder, designed from the ground up to help you tap into your infinite abundance, especially regarding your coaching business.

"Over $20k in Four Weeks: Saying Yes to Myself!"

Kristina Driskill, Transformation Coach

Is PQ WealthBuilder Right For You?

  • Cross Icon

    WealthBuilder Is Not For You If…

    Your coaching business has generated less than $10,000 in the last 12 months. PQ WealthBuilder is designed for coaches to massively increase their earning potential, not for those just starting out.

    You are seeking a “done for you” program. PQ WealthBuilder will not generate revenue without your focused efforts. If you’re seeking someone else to do the work for you, this program is not right for you.

    You lack clarity around WHY you want to grow your coaching business. PQ WealthBuilder works best for coaches with a clear understanding of why their coaching business is a priority.

  • Tick Icon

    WealthBuilder Is For You If…

    You have generated at least $10,000 in the last 12 months of your coaching business and know you are capable of so much more. PQ WealthBuilder will support you in building the daily habits necessary to grow your business.

    You are ready to eradicate any and all scarcity in your coaching business. PQ WealthBuilder will support you in tapping into your infinite abundance and growing your coaching business to any size you choose.

    You are ready to massively up-level your knowledge, skills and mindset as they apply to your coaching business. In just 12 weeks, you will accomplish more outcomes than many coaches are able to achieve in 12 months. PQ WealthBuilder will truly change your life.

"I Generated $40k & There Are New Possibilities on the Horizon"

Ron Kertzner, Executive Coach, Leadership Development Trainer & Facilitator

How it Works

PQ WealthBuilder is the most advanced program designed to create financial prosperity in your coaching business. It involves spending two hours a week with me in a small group of 12 people for 12 weeks. We will work together to achieve mutual growth, activation, and ongoing Sage Accountability during this time.

With the material I’ll provide, you’ll have everything you need in the “20% insight” bucket to build a successful coaching business. However, the majority of our journey will be focused on the “80% muscle building” you need to build a profitable and sustainable coaching business, of any size you choose.

PQ-Powered Teams

AG Fractal Plan

Commit to your Appointment Generating Fractal Plan that will allow you to generate appointments in ease and flow. You’ll pick from direct outreach, referrals, networking, writing, and speaking to determine your optimal path for generating appointments and, ultimately, clients.

WealthBuilder Circles

Participate with vulnerability and transparency, fostering a nurturing environment of trust, love, and Sage Accountability. The purpose of the Circle is to co-create an environment of deep trust and love with Sage contagion that empowers every member to transform themselves and their coaching business.

Sage Accountability Coaching Pods

Using the PQ Operating System, coach each other on overcoming business challenges and practice Sage accountability. The purpose of the Pods is to ensure ongoing daily practice and progress towards generating a minimum of $10,000 in new coaching revenue.

Private In-App Community

Check in with your Circle daily regarding your day’s experience and practice, announcements, and others’ experience, and have your presence be felt. The purpose of the in-app community is to build Sage Accountability, support, culture, connection, and continuous progress.

Reference Materials

You will be provided with reference materials to support you in your journey, including worksheets and other resources to help you zero in on where your coaching business needs the most focused effort. You’ll also receive a pre-release “Advanced Reader Edition” of Bill Carmody’s book, Sage Business Development, shipped to you anywhere in the world at no additional cost.

Screenshot of PQ WealthBuilder modules

PQ WealthBuilder 12 Week Syllabus

Circles will meet weekly for 2 hours (live via Zoom) with 12 participants. These 2-hour sessions are application-focused rather than content-heavy, with a combination of full-Circle participation & smaller breakout sessions.

  • Week 1


    When we are committed to something, we are resourceful enough to find a way… no matter what. When we are not fully committed to something, we find an excuse… a reason it simply wasn’t possible. Both are always available to us. In this first session we will introduce ourselves, explore why doing what we’ve always done won’t lead us to the outcome we truly desire. We’ll use Sage Power Navigate to connect with our “big why” (i.e. why building our coaching business is a MUST for each of us). And then we will individually and collectively “surrender” to the PQ WealthBuilder program as it was designed. This will lead us to individually commit to ourselves and our Circle.

  • Week 2

    Committed Action

    Guided by our individual and collective core values, we will explore and innovate on the regular committed action that is necessary to succeed. Despite any and all circumstances, there is always a way forward. Committed action ensures that we continue a pre-defined repeatable action sequence “no matter what.” Having clarity around daily actions that will lead to predictable results ensures Sage ease and flow this and every week as we build and grow our coaching business.

  • Week 3

    Money Mindset

    In this session, we check in with our current mindset around money. What scarcity do we still experience (if any)? How have we shifted our (financial) abundance? As we explore our mindset around money, scarcity and abundance, we notice the shifts that have already occurred as well as what remains for us to continue to notice and intentionally shift – today and everyday.

  • Week 4

    Failure, Our Greatest Teacher

    The only true “failure” in the unwillingness to continue our committed actions by allowing circumstances to stop our momentum. Every effort made provides learning lessons and real-time feedback. Reframing a failure from a set-back to a step-forward to the outcome we truly desire will have us change how we feel about making efforts in the first place. We learn more from our “failures” than we ever do from our successes. This is a critical reframe in our path to eradicating scarcity and tapping into our own infinite abundance.

  • Week 5

    Warning, Big Shift Ahead

    For the remainder of the PQ WealthBuilder program, our focus will be to remain in the 20% effort that produces the 80% result we are committed to having in our coaching business. We are committed to the outcome, not to the “how” we achieve that outcome. That means, we seek to understand what makes any of this “hard” and work together to explore how best to remove those difficulties so that we remain in Sage ease and flow now and for the foreseeable future.

  • Week 6

    Saboteur Masterclass

    With momentum achieved through our committed actions, the time has come for a masterclass in our Saboteurs. In this session, we will notice how each of our Saboteurs are showing up at exactly the wrong moments. Rather than fighting our Saboteurs, we will reclaim the very powers they overuse and abuse so that we may apply those same powers toward continued momentum, growth and success.

  • Week 7

    Obstacles In Our Path

    At the half-way point, we pause and explore any obstacles in our path. This session will be used to get unstuck and to reframe the very obstacles we see in our path. As we reaffirm our commitment to consistent right action, we surrender to any obstacle that would have previously prevented us from achieving our goals. With a newfound understanding of the power these obstacles have to support us and propel us forward, we are free to continue our journey in Sage ease and flow.

  • Week 8

    Beware of Homeostasis

    As you begin to shift, change, evolve and acknowledge your progress and many wins in this journey, our biggest challenge may come from our internal homeostasis. As humans, we were designed to “maintain stability while adjusting to conditions that are best for our survival” just like any other organism. Ironically, that often happens just as we overcome challenges and generate momentum. This is where our Saboteurs show up in an effort to “keep us safe” and we end up inadvertently sabotaging ourselves.

  • Week 9

    Success Leaves Clues

    At this stage, all of us have experienced progress and growth, and notice that some of us have progressed faster and some slower. Without inviting in our Judge (of ourselves, each other and circumstances), we see an opportunity to learn from our leaders so that we may better understand what’s truly working for others and how we may apply this learning to our own coaching business. As we begin to bring this program to close, we create the space for deeper learning from our peers.

  • Week 10

    Wildcards & Curveballs

    This is the opportunity for all of us to finish strong. Whatever is currently missing, problematic or outstanding is yet another opportunity to learn and grow together. Where our focus goes, our energy flows. This is our opportunity to ensure each one of us completes what we started together. We call upon our collective commitment to each other to support the Circle in our completion efforts, thereby ensuring that we all finish strong.

  • Week 11

    Testimonials & Referrals

    There’s no question that the fastest and easiest way to grow our coaching businesses is through testimonials and referrals. Given our current momentum, we want to be sure we are systematically building testimonials and referrals as part of our coaching business. Space will be provided to design and practice your own ideal testimonial and give one yourself if you are so inclined.

  • Week 12

    When One Door Closes…

    Before PQ WealthBuilder wraps up, it’s important to continue the momentum created throughout this program. In this session, we build out our next 90-day plan and continued growth for the next 9 months. By bringing in our big why from the beginning, we see how we’ve progressed in just 12 weeks and recommit to our continued growth and expansion. We’ll also have an opportunity to acknowledge each other and bring this program to closure.

What's Included in PQ WealthBuilder

PQ WealthBuilder $7,500 3 monthly payments of $2,500 Enroll Today

12 weeks of intensive business development coaching with Bill Carmody, creator of the Millionaire Coaches Playbook and author of Sage Business Development


12 brand new business development training sessions that provide a deep dive into the PQ WealthBuilder concepts, all designed and delivered by Bill Carmody and available for you to review any time in the app.


Membership in PQ WealthBuilder Circles: go on your journey with other coaches and co-create an environment of deep trust and love that empowers every member to transform themselves and their coaching business. 


Sage Accountability Coaching Pods: practice Sage accountability and be coached by other high-earners on overcoming business challenges. Your Pod ensures ongoing daily practice and progress towards generating a minimum of $10,000 in new coaching revenue.


Private In-App Community: check in with your WealthBuilder Circle daily regarding your day’s experience and practice. Your private community builds Sage Accountability, support, culture, connection, and continuous progress.


New Daily Focus lessons specifically designed for PQ WealthBuilder, available each day of your 3 month program. With bite-sized videos delivered daily, you’ll always have something to look forward to in the PQ app as you proceed on your journey to financial abundance.


Appointment Generating Fractal Plan that will allow you to generate appointments in ease and flow. Pick from direct outreach, referrals, networking, writing, or speaking.


ICF Continuing Coaching Education units: qualify for up to 40 CCE units when you complete the live sessions and coursework.


Reference Materials: receive worksheets and other resources to help you zero in on where your coaching business needs the most focused effort. You will be provided with reference materials to support you in your journey.


“Advanced Reader Edition” of Sage Business Development, Bill Carmody’s companion to the PQ WealthBuilder program. This book is exclusive to paricipants in the PQ WealthBuilder program and will be shipped to your home at no additional cost.


PQ WealthBuilder begins on July 15th, 2024.

Schedule note: for the weeks of August 12th and September 2nd, Circles 6, 7, and 8 will meet on Thursday, August 15th and Thursday, September 5th.


PQ WealthBuilder $7,500 3 monthly payments of $2,500 Enroll Today

What's Included in PQ WealthBuilder

PQ WealthBuilder

$7,500 3 monthly payments of $2,500

Enroll Today
  • included

    12 weeks of intensive business development coaching with Bill Carmody, creator of the Millionaire Coaches Playbook and author of Sage Business Development

  • included

    12 brand new business development training sessions that provide a deep dive into the PQ WealthBuilder concepts, all designed and delivered by Bill Carmody and available for you to review any time in the app.

  • included

    Membership in PQ WealthBuilder Circles: go on your journey with other coaches and co-create an environment of deep trust and love that empowers every member to transform themselves and their coaching business. 

  • included

    Sage Accountability Coaching Pods: practice Sage accountability and be coached by other high-earners on overcoming business challenges. Your Pod ensures ongoing daily practice and progress towards generating a minimum of $10,000 in new coaching revenue.

  • included

    Private In-App Community: check in with your WealthBuilder Circle daily regarding your day’s experience and practice. Your private community builds Sage Accountability, support, culture, connection, and continuous progress.

  • included

    New Daily Focus lessons specifically designed for PQ WealthBuilder, available each day of your 3 month program. With bite-sized videos delivered daily, you’ll always have something to look forward to in the PQ app as you proceed on your journey to financial abundance.

  • included

    Appointment Generating Fractal Plan that will allow you to generate appointments in ease and flow. Pick from direct outreach, referrals, networking, writing, or speaking.

  • included

    ICF Continuing Coaching Education units: qualify for up to 40 CCE units when you complete the live sessions and coursework.

  • included

    Reference Materials: receive worksheets and other resources to help you zero in on where your coaching business needs the most focused effort. You will be provided with reference materials to support you in your journey.

  • included

    “Advanced Reader Edition” of Sage Business Development, Bill Carmody’s companion to the PQ WealthBuilder program. This book is exclusive to paricipants in the PQ WealthBuilder program and will be shipped to your home at no additional cost.

PQ WealthBuilder begins on July 15th, 2024.

Schedule note: for the weeks of August 12th and September 2nd, Circles 6, 7, and 8 will meet on Thursday, August 15th and Thursday, September 5th.


$2,500 First Mover Advantage

2024 is the inaugural year for PQ WealthBuilder and I’m optimizing for results.

That means I’m “all in” for having each participant generate $10,000 over the course of the program, and I’m fully aware that we won’t have the opportunity to be trailblazers for long.

So, here is a $2,500 gift for you — the early adopter.

When PQ WealthBuilder returns next year, I plan on increasing the price to $10,000.

But when you choose to invest in yourself now, you can do so for just $7,500 — that’s $2,500 off my ultimate price.

If you are willing to join me this July, not only will you be able to participate in PQ WealthBuilder for the lowest possible cost, by the time next year comes around, you’ll have a huge financial advantage having put this into practice.

Do your future self a favor by investing in them today.

PQ WealthBuilder Begins on July 15th, 2024.


"Doubled My Investment in Eight Weeks"

Kate Carter, Inner Life Coach & Educator

"$25k in Four Weeks: Something Life-Changing"

David Fisher, Executive Coach & Facilitator

Secure your Spot Now!

PQ WealthBuilder begins the week of July 15, 2024.

The cost for PQ WealthBuilder is 3 monthly payments of $2,500 for a total of $7,500.

Circle availability is highly limited. Secure your spot before it’s too late.

Enroll Now

Enrollment Ends



Program Begins



What PQ WealthBuilder Students Are Saying

"More Revenue, More Ideas, and More Growth"

Rachel Krinsky, Executive Leadership Coach

"Opening New Ways to Build My Business"

Stefano Pardi, MBA, PCC, Executive Coach

"Transformation, Resilience, and Financial Success"

Lynda Reid, EdD, PCC, CPQC

"Building Your Business in Sage"

Romina Piersanti, Certified Leadership Coach

"My Business Has Completely Transformed"

Toni Shaked, Addiction & Recovery Therapist

"You Will Not Regret It"

Linda Graf, CPCC

"Next-level Success Starts Now"

Laura Rizzo, Professional Mental Fitness Coach

"Moving From Wishing to Doing"

Jill Browne, BSc, LLB, MBA, FRGS

"Can’t Wait to See the Compounded Growth"

Jenn Berger, CPQC, Master Certified Coach

"Made Beyond $10k With One Conversation"

Abigail Havermann, Life Coach

"I’m Seeing What Works and What Doesn’t"

Kim Kuljian, CPCC, CPQC, PCC

"A Way to Be Bigger and Bolder"

Natalie Siston, CPQC, Executive Coach

"The Structure That I Need"

Denise Daehler, CPQC

"Systematize Your Business and Go for It"

Michelle Burns, CPQC

"I Know What Works and How to Repeat It"

Dolores Rio, Certified Career & Wellbeing Coach

"Into Action With Next-level Creativity and Momentum"

Sandra de Gelder, CPQC

"I Have Not Made $10,000… Yet!"

Claire Dilly, CPQC

"Life Changing! I'm Doing Things I Never Thought Possible"

Sabine Freund, Leadership Coach, CPQC, ICF, PCC

"Acquiring Wealth As a Means to Support My Niche and Impact"

Tamara Gropper, MAJE, CPCC, PCC, CPQC

Secure your Spot Now!

PQ WealthBuilder begins the week of July 15, 2024.

The cost for PQ WealthBuilder is 3 monthly payments of $2,500 for a total of $7,500.

Circle availability is highly limited. Secure your spot before it’s too late.

Enroll Now

Enrollment Ends



Program Begins



Frequently Asked Questions

PQ WealthBuilder is a mastery-level 90-day program designed to support coaches in eradicating scarcity and generating financial abundance. It is based on the core principles of Positive Intelligence’s Sage Business Development track and created to have each participant move from 20% insight as it pertains to building their coaching business into the necessary 80% action-based muscle building efforts required to grow and scale their coaching business.

The PQ WealthBuilder program begins the week of July 15th and will run for 12 weeks until it concludes the week of September 30th. Open enrollment will begin on Monday, June 17th, and conclude on Monday, June 1st, or until all Circles are sold out.

PQ WealthBuilder is designed to be a 12-week program from kick-off to completion. During that time, participants will be supported in building and scaling their coaching business. This includes a projected minimum revenue greater than the total financial investment for the program (i.e. to generate a minimum of $10,000 in coaching revenue or more within 90 days of commencing the program).

Participants are expected to meet together in a small circle of 12 participants for 2 hours a week during the 12-week duration of the program. Participants will also meet for an additional 30 to 45 minutes a week in their 3-person Sage Accountability pods. Additional time will be allocated in order to generate appointments, conduct a minimum of 25 Saboteur Discovery sessions, and (as needed) review / re-watch relevant Sage Business Development sessions for optimum results.

While future dates have not yet been set, Positive Intelligence does anticipate repeating the PQ WealthBuilder program in 2025 and beyond. We are anticipating a Q1 launch in 2025 with the most likely start beginning between January and March. Please note that at that time the price will increase from $7,500 to $10,000 (see below “How much does PQ WealthBuilder cost”).

$7,500. The first payment of $2,500 will be collected at the time of enrollment and the second and third payments of $2,500 will be automatically charged approximately 30 days later so that all three payments are made between the first and second month of the PQ WealthBuilder program. Please note that this pricing is for the inaugural program in 2024 only. The true price of PQ WealthBuilder is $10,000 and we plan on receiving this amount from program participants in 2025 and beyond.

No. Unlike other programs offered by Positive Intelligence, the PQ WealthBuilder program was specifically designed to have you generate your own financial abundance in a condensed 12-week timeframe. You will receive the necessary support with an intention that you will achieve a minimum 100% return on investment (ROI) and we anticipate that most will achieve a 400% ROI or greater within 12 months of enrollment into PQ WealthBuilder. You will be directly responsible for your own financial abundance and will see a correlation between your daily activities and your financial results.

As a participant in PQ WealthBuilder, you decide what product you wish to focus on. The shared commitment from every participant is to generate at least $10,000 in incremental coaching revenue during the 12 weeks the program runs. Depending on how you price your product, that may result in enrolling one or two individual (1:1) clients, or setting up your own group (or mastermind) with as many as 12 clients, or entering into a master services agreement with a single company (i.e. business to business / B2B), or leveraging your next Positive Intelligence mental fitness program.

Yes, the PQ WealthBuilder training program is approved by ICF for Continuing Coaching Education units. The 3 month program qualifies each participant with up to 40 CCE units.

Yes. Upon successful completion of the PQ WealthBuilder program, you will receive a certificate of completion and a digital badge acknowledging your achievement.

The primary objective of the PQ WealthBuilder program is to eradicate scarcity and have each participant tap into their infinite abundance. The PQ WealthBuilder program was specifically designed to have you generate your own financial abundance in a condensed 90-day timeframe. You will receive the necessary support with an intention that you will achieve a minimum 100% return on investment (ROI). We anticipate that most will achieve a 400% ROI or greater within 12 months of enrollment into PQ WealthBuilder.

Yes. The inaugural launch of the PQ WealthBuilder program was on April 2024. The July 15, 2024 program will be the second time the PQ WealthBuilder has been offered to PQ Coach members. As such, Positive Intelligence is optimizing for substance over sparkle. Similar programs in a beta phase of development are optimized for the outcomes they deliver versus the individual nuanced details. You will likely come across grammatical errors and possibly discover some aspects of the program that don’t work directly for you and your coaching business. That feedback will help improve the program for future participants.

In addition to the $2,500 discount (i.e. $7,500 vs. $10,000 for this program), a key benefit of being in an inaugural program like this is that you will directly impact the focus, discipline and emphasis around the work and have direct access to the creator of the program. While future cohorts may experience a more polished program, they will have less impact on the overall program and will not likely be working directly with the creator of the program (Bill Carmody).

While these programs are complementary to each other, they are as different as apples are to oranges. Your previous PQ Mastery participation likely forever changed the trajectory of your mental fitness practice and your journey toward self-actualization. The PQ WealthBuilder program is designed to forever change the trajectory of your coaching business along with your own financial freedom and infinite abundance. While they each support each other, they are two totally different programs.

It is recommended that you have generated at least $10,000 in the previous 12 months of your coaching business. If you have not generated at least $10,000 in the past 12 months of your coaching business, please utilize the Sage Business Development track in the Learning Hub (including the quarterly sprints) in order to generate your initial $10,000 of revenue in your coaching business.

Priority enrollment will be offered to PQ Coach members who have added their names to the waitlist. General enrollment will open to all PQ Coach members starting on Monday, June 17th and conclude the following Monday, July 1st.

We have made every effort to offer multiple times to participate in the PQ WealthBuilder program. For the July 15, 2024 cohort, we are offering the following times to participate:

  • Mondays 9am to 11am Eastern Time (Circle 6)
  • Mondays 1pm to 3pm Eastern Time (Circle 7)
  • Mondays 5pm to 7pm Eastern Time (Circle 8)

We hope that these times will support you in your preferred timezone. If not, please send an email to with your feedback so that we may consider a different time in 2025. Thank you.

When enrollment is open, you will be advised if you qualify for this program. Those who do not qualify may seek an exception to participate based on their commitment to doing the work required to be successful. However, if you haven’t spent time in the Sage Business Development track in the Learning Hub, PQ highly recommends that you begin your journey there (and utilize the quarterly sprints that are included in your PQ Coach membership).

Yes. You must be an active PQ Coach member in order to participate in the PQ WealthBuilder program. The investment of $7,500 is in addition to your annual or monthly PQ Coach membership. Please note that you will receive the necessary support with an intention that you will achieve a minimum 100% return on investment (ROI). We anticipate that most will achieve a 400% ROI or greater within 12 months of enrollment into PQ WealthBuilder.

No, not at this time. Positive Intelligence recognizes the desire for scholarships and is considering this request for future implementations.

Yes. While you will be encouraged to review relevant Sage Business Development recordings on an “as needed” basis, each weekly 2-hour (12-person) session will be live as well as your weekly 30 – 45 minute (3-person) Sage Accountability support will be live.

You will have an opportunity to select one of the regular weekly meeting times before the program begins the week of July 15th.

You are encouraged to attend each session live. If you are unable to attend a live session, you can make arrangements to receive access to a recording of the session so that you are unable to attend.

You are encouraged to participate in each of the 12 live sessions as part of your PQ WealthBuilder journey. If you are unable to attend one or two of these sessions live, you can make arrangements to receive access to a recording of the session so that you are unable to attend. You must attend 10 of the 12 sessions live in order to receive your certificate of completion and associated digital badge. This is the kind of experience that you’ll want to experience live, so please plan on attending live.

No. Having the ability to share your calendar availability via a tool such as Calendly, ScheduleOnce, Acuity or similar is highly recommended (especially since most have a free version of their service), but it is not required. This program isn’t about having you set-up multiple technology platforms. It’s about having you take the actions necessary to generate appointments and convert those appointments into paying clients (i.e. 1:1, group, mastermind, B2B, mental fitness, or something else).

Yes. We recommend that PQ Coach Essential subscribers watch the four pillars of Sage Business Development (i.e. Niche, Irresistible Offer, Generate & Convert Appointments) and will be instructed to do so as part of the Onboarding sequence when they enroll into PQ WealthBuilder.

Not at this time. Participants must be an active PQ Coach member (or PQ Coach Essentials subscriber) in order to participate. As we’re not emailing or advertising to our canceled subscribers list, they are unlikely to enroll. However, if a previously subscribed PQ Coach would like to enroll in PQ WealthBuilder, they must re-enroll either as a PQ Coach member or PQ Coach Essentials subscriber before being eligible to participate in PQ WealthBuilder.

Yes. For 2024, the next cohort will launch the week of July 15th and conclude the week of September 30th. The regular $10,000 price has been discounted by $2,500 for the inaugural launch and the $7,500 price.

The first payment of $2,500 will be collected at the time of enrollment and the second and third payments of $2,500 will be automatically charged approximately 30 days later so that all three payments are made between the first and second month of the PQ WealthBuilder program. Please note that this pricing is for the inaugural program in 2024 only. The true price of PQ WealthBuilder is $10,000 and we plan on receiving this amount from program participants in 2025 and beyond.

Secure your Spot Now!

PQ WealthBuilder begins the week of July 15, 2024.

The cost for PQ WealthBuilder is 3 monthly payments of $2,500 for a total of $7,500.

Circle availability is highly limited. Secure your spot before it’s too late.

Enroll Now

Enrollment Ends



Program Begins
